The Western Region is proud to host the annual Canadian German Shepherd Dog Championships and Sieger Show at Softball City in Surrey, BC.
Beginning on August 21st until August 25th, 2024 this premiere dog event will bring hundreds of competitors, judges and spectators from all over Canada, the United States and Europe.
The event includes the athleticism of the three phases of the sport (tracking, obedience and protection), and the beauty of the show. It also serves as a qualifier for Team Canada.
The event is open to the public free of charge and offers a unique opportunity to see the German Shepherd Dog at its best.
What is Schutzhund?
Schutzhund means protection dog in German and is a sport intended to demonstrate the dog’s intelligence and utility. A working trial will measure the dog’s mental stability, endurance, structural efficiencies, ability to scent, willingness to work, courage, and overall trainability.
- Schutzhund concentrates on three parts
- Tracking the dog must follow the scent of a human;
- Obedience the dog and handler execute a routine
- Protection the dog must respond properly in critical situations.
- Only a small number of dedicated handlers
have trained their dogs to be ready to
compete at this level.
What is a Sieger Show?
Sieger means champion in German, therefore the participating dogs have been recognized for their excellence within the breed.
- A Sieger show is a conformation show for the purpose of highlighting the athletic abilities and stature of the German Shepherd.
- Divided up by sex and by age, dogs are judged on physical structure gait and movement. German shepherds are expected to exhibit ground
covering stride coupled with excellent reach in the front and exceptional power from the rear.
- A judge will give t he coveted award of Sieger to the top male dog, with the top female receiving the title of Siegerin. These awards indicate that
these two dogs are the top German Shepherds

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and the possible cancellation of this
year's FCI IGP World Championship, the CWDF may reschedule its All-breed IGP &
FH National Championship to later in the Fall. Decision shall be made in the begining of May.